How to Clear Up Acne. Use Hemp Soap.

hemp soap ingredients to clear up acne

Acne is a painful and persistent issue for millions of people. And it isn’t only a teenage problem. I still have breakouts at 60+! From hormonal breakouts to the ones caused by stress, acne can be a difficult thing to live with. Fortunately, there are many ways to make it better. You can use over-the-counter treatments and prescription medications. However, if you want to clear up acne naturally, try a natural remedy like hemp soap.

Here are some benefits of using hemp soap to help you clear up acne.

How hemp soap helps clear up acne

Acne can be aggravated by humidity and hot weather, and dry air and cold. This is because the sebaceous gland pumps up sebum secretion for both threats to skin health. Using hemp oil in soap helps with both problems.

Hemp oil is non-comedogenic. That means it doesn’t clog your pores. Instead, it helps modulate oil production from the sebaceous gland. This means the gland is less likely to overproduce sebum. Hemp oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness, irritation, acne spots, and inflammation on your skin.

The saponification process leaves these properties intact. This means hemp soap is good for acne-prone skin.

It washes away excess oils on your face, which often leaves your pores clogged. Yet, it leaves a layer of moisture, so your skin remains soft and supple. It also exfoliates your skin, which promotes healthy cell turnover.

How we make hemp soap

We make our hemp soap from the oil found in the seeds of the hemp plant, which is related to the marijuana plant. However, hemp seeds don’t contain THC or CBD. (Like tomatoes don’t contain solanine, but the plant does.)

We keep our soap natural. So it does not include harsh chemicals or pharmaceuticals that can irritate your skin.

Summary of the benefits of using hemp soap

  • Hemp soap can be used as a face wash, body wash, or shampoo.
  • It cleanses the skin and helps to restore its natural pH
  • It is cheaper than many other acne treatments
  • The soap’s anti-inflammatory properties help with acne symptoms
  • We make ours of all-natural ingredients

If you’re looking for a natural option that can help clear up acne, hemp soap may be the answer. In addition, hemp soap can do more than just get rid of your acne. With all of the benefits it has to offer, hemp soap is worth considering for your new daily routine.


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